When I was very young, a dreamy little girl with golden curls and bruised knees, one of my favorite books was a book about a boy who had magical paints or brushes. I don’t really remember the details of the storylines and characters, but I remember my feelings from reading it well.I was insanely jealous of that boy and wanted to be able to do the same. With the help of magic paints, he knew how to bring pictures to life. It was only necessary to add the last drop of black paint in the place where the eye should be and the painted stork left the canvas and flew into the sky. I imagined my magical creatures. Wild and whimsical, as much as my childhood imagination allowed me, which was formed in prehistoric times without the Internet, and under the influence of fantastic books and art catalogs from the children’s library, where I hung out in my free time from school. They were my imaginary friends and lived their lives in a secret album. How I wanted to revive them. Touch the image drawn on paper, feel the softness of the wool and look into living eyes. Talk to them, hug and walk together.When I look at my bears, sometimes I think of that book and think of that little girl whose dream came true with a twist of reality.This is Dorian. A collector’s favorite and the star of the last teddy show we attended. adopted He is almost home and is very much looking forward to meeting his mother. Will live in Kyiv. In a private collection
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